Why I confess, “I am healed,” before getting medical clearance

Why I confess, “I am healed,” before getting medical clearance

After writing my healing testimony part 1, I got a few responses. Some wondering if I still had cancer. . others wondering if I had completed treatment. No, I have not yet completed my cancer treatment which includes a total of 6 rounds of chemotherapy, surgery, and potentially radiation. Still, I declare that I am healed. Why is that? Because in my spirit, I know I am. My faith in God is so strong that no word from man, including the doctor, herself, can tell me otherwise. Yes, I am aware of the treatment I must undergo and, yes, I plan to undergo it unless the Lord tells me otherwise. But, yes, I know God is a God of miracles and that I will see my healing manifest through Him in my body.

God says through His Word, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21. This means that our words have the very power to contract life or contract death. That’s why I guard my heart before every doctor visit. I must guard it against death-ladden words spoken over me which we often, unfortunately, encounter in any conventional medical hospital. The sad part is when we take these words to heart, when we let someone else tell us when and how we will die. I refuse to allow that in my heart. I guard my heart by asking the Holy Spirit to do so and by arming myself with a double-edged sword–God’s Word, the Holy Bible. That’s how you guard your heart against the lies of the enemy and when you resist him, he will flee from you. Some make “cancer” out to be a scary monster, one that is bigger than anything. Well, that is entirely untrue. The name of Jesus is bigger than cancer. But the key is. . . do we know that? Do we believe that? The Word says, “Anything is possible to him that believes.” So, its possible to be healed of cancer, but we have to earnestly believe God has that ability and that He will use that ability to heal us. God’s promise to heal is a promise to all of us. It is a promise to His precious children. We become a child of God by accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, and through that new birth enter into a covenant with the Lord. Included in that covenant is a promise to heal. Once you know that you know that you know that, nothing can stop you. No power in hell can intimidate you. No symptoms can make you cower in doubt. The second I see a symptom, I have to bridle my tongue from speaking doubt. For example, I cannot say, “oh well I’m still experiencing this so I guess God isn’t working.” No, I continue, in spite of the symptom, to praise the Lord for my healing.

The key is to have steadfast faith


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